Contact Us

To help you better understand the antique register you own, I am happy to do an appraisal for you.

This evaluation and appraisal will help you decide whether to keep or sell it. It will also help you to understand better how, when and where to sell it.

Here is how my Appraisal process works:

If you will simply email me some images of your register along with the serial number and any information you have about it, I’ll be in touch with you. It helps if you describe any missing parts or visible damage. I’ll reply to your email with some additional questions.

My fee for this service is $24.
All financial transactions are through paypal or money order. Please be mindful that this is my hobby but I am generally able to respond well within a week’s time.

In the comments on this website you are welcome to share information about your register and whether or not you are selling it.

Use my 8 step guide to learn about your registers features, finish, age and style.

Thanks for Visiting

I look forward to hearing from you,

Fred W. L.
reach me at (Using email you can send photos.)
Michigan, USA

or Reach Me using this Form: